Rogue Imagineer
元:The Quarzenegger

If you started using Quartz Composer well before 2014...

(like, say, in 2007)

. ... then The Quarzenegger may be for you.

With The Quarzenegger, you can open any of these older QC compositions (*.qtz files) and find and correct the CIKernel compilation errors. Once the errors have been removed, you can then save the file and open it again in the Quartz Composer editor and, VOILA, all the connections should be intact, to go along with your newly debugged shader code.

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By : The Quarzenegger 0 comments

元:App Roundup: Steam for macOS, Day of the Tentacle, Carrot Weather, Dashlane 6, LinkedIn, more!

App Roundup: Steam for macOS, Day of the Tentacle, Carrot Weather, Dashlane 6, LinkedIn, more!: "Valve's wildly popular gaming store has undergone a number of changes this week, including its transition to being a 64-bit app on Mac. This change is mandated due to Apple warning users that 32-bit apps will not work in macOS for a future release."

It's been tried before, of course, but what we need is a Steam for lighter applications like Task managers, email clients and so forth. A thin VM with a GUI. Just say no to deprecation. Imagine if the cstdlib was deprecated. The entire world would grind to a halt (routers, servers, iPhones). Whatevs. If we can run VM services in containers in the cloud we can do it on the desktop.

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By : App Roundup: Steam for macOS, Day of the Tentacle, Carrot Weather, Dashlane 6, LinkedIn, more! 0 comments

元:App Privacy Policy

My applications for iPhone OS, macOS and iPadOS do not collect any personal data of any kind, nor "call home" to an internet server with statistics. They're designed to work simply, like a classic app for the Mac.

By : App Privacy Policy 0 comments

元:App Support

 My free iPhone, iPad and macOS applications are provided for your enjoyment.  Limited support is available on my Discord channel:



By : App Support 0 comments

元:YouTube experimenting with 4K at 60 FPS, and you can watch a few demo videos now | 9to5Google

YouTube experimenting with 4K at 60 FPS, and you can watch a few demo videos now | 9to5Google
You can check out the below videos with the feature enabled, or head over to the playlist Google has put together with all six. Remember to click the gear in the bottom-right corner, click “Quality,” and choose the 2160p60 (4K) option at the top.

While I definitely think that these advancements are interesting, I was in the camp that thought that certain outdoor sequences in the 60fps Hobbit looked like bad camcorder footage from the 90s.

Of course that means that porn will be the first to adopt it.


By : YouTube experimenting with 4K at 60 FPS, and you can watch a few demo videos now | 9to5Google 0 comments

元:Neil Young Tells It

By : Neil Young Tells It 0 comments

元:Google adds free voice calling to Google Hangouts for iOS, incoming calls to Google Voice

Google adds free voice calling to Google Hangouts for iOS, incoming calls to Google Voice
Google Hangouts iOS app received a major update on Friday, with the latest iteration bringing free in-app voice calling to numbers within the U.S. and Canada"

Took my first call today, but it came via the browser. Which is a miracle unto itself, really.


By : Google adds free voice calling to Google Hangouts for iOS, incoming calls to Google Voice 0 comments

元:What's that Galaxy Sized iPhone in the Picture

Are all journalists totally dense or is it just me? In the Sept 9th press event at Apple, the first 4 or 5 slides show iOS 7 running on an iPhone with a Galaxy S3-sized display. No such iPhone was announced at the event but I find it hard to believe I'm the only one familiar enough with the form-factor of these devices to suggest that's the next model. It's too bad. Because part of Apple's recipe for success was developing products in secrecy.

Sometimes if you change the recipe, the cake tastes a lot better. And sometimes it results in a lump in the pan. Usually I eat both, but then again, I cook for myself.

By : What's that Galaxy Sized iPhone in the Picture 0 comments

元:As Google's Android tops 1B activations, next version gets named 'KitKat'

As Google's Android tops 1B activations, next version gets named 'KitKat': "by tweeting an image of the newest take on the Android mascot, Pichai confirmed that Android version 4.4 will be named KitKat"

It looks to me like we're about to experience a replay of the Windows/Mac OS fork in the road that happened in the early 90s. I've been monitoring some job boards favored by people seeking employment both contracting and regular jobs and there has been a marked shift away from iOS only development toward first hybrid Android/iPhone and recently Android only.

As far as Windows Phone goes, something radical is needed. Both Android and iPhone are based on software development techniques that were state of the art back in 1989, when they designed NeXTSTEP. Since Java was copied from NeXTSTEP, I think it's safe to say that NeXTSTEP won the second wave.

To win the third battle you need something more productive than object orientation. I can state with some assurance that it ain't JavaScript. JS developers are resigned to the fact that their code is going to break inevitably and soon. Why anyone would try and build a business on that foundation is beyond me.

Could it be Scala? Or Erlang?

Xcode is a highly productive environment and it's going to be hard to unseat. I've tried Eclipse. Was not impressed in the slightest. In fact, I wondered how anyone could release anything on Android with those "tools" Disclaimer: I haven't used make in awhile either.

It may well be that the winning toolchain is the one that most embraces the multi-core and GPU nature of the immediate future. I dunno.

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By : As Google's Android tops 1B activations, next version gets named 'KitKat' 0 comments



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