
Rogue Imagineer
元:Wikipedia gets it, has no money, Amazon flush with ca$h, not so sure

Wikipedia is probably scaring the bejesus out of a fair number of big publishing companies. Wikipedia, which is an online encyclopedia authored cooperatively by anyone that wants to, is a perfect example of a true hypertext system supporting both publishing and annotation.

Amazon, another big IPO company, has tons of content, but supports only a very limited hypertext model. Oh, they love inbound links over there, but are loathe to reciprocate. And the web is that much poorer for it. My reviews could be information-packed nexus hubs for bringing diverse web pages closer together. Instead, all hypertext content is inferred and finding it on the web is left as an exercise to the reader, usually with Google. My friend Joe King, who is something of a pragmatic idealist, recently went to to head up their blog-oriented efforts. If he succeeds, Amazon will be a great citizen in the blogosphere.

It would be sobering to both and if they were to pay a per-page microcontent fee to Ted Nelson, who arguably first clearly envisioned the document architecture that these companies utilize. Google, especially, through AdSense and AdWords, and the fact that their scraped content is merely 'transcluded' content from other web sites, is biting hard on Nelson's hypertext universe. In Nelson's model of transclusion, he envisioned Google paying a micro-content fee for the scraped, transcluded content authored by the greater universe of human beings.

Brewster Kahle, with his Archive-the-web project also happens to be the designer of WAIS (see previous post). He definitely gets it.

By : Wikipedia gets it, has no money, Amazon flush with ca$h, not so sure



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