
Rogue Imagineer
元:Newport Beach

I never saw so many bikes in my life as when I was riding around Newport Beach (actually restricted to the Balboa peninsula). Everywhere I looked there were beach cruisers on the go, or chained up to fences and bike racks.

I stopped watcing Roswell because the love story that made the series so interesting had given way to a kind of action-adventure. I mean season 3, episode 1 began with a bonnie & clyde style adventure where Max and Liz do an armed robbery on a convenience store. Maybe I'll re-watch the first season just to reset.

While I'm sure there are many descriptions of the OC floating around, my take on the show is that it is about a single family whose core relationship, the love between the mom and the dad (The Cohens), is so evolved and filled with integrity, that it affects the entire community of people living around them, many of whom are afflicted with bad character traits. As the show unfolds, the character of Summer is rapidly becoming my favorite. Despite the conflict between her personal world and her public image, she exhibits a sweetness and innocence that is totally disarming. So far, my favorite scene is when Seth recites Summer's 6th (?) grade poem aloud to her at a social function, and she drops her public personality for just a moment and kisses him. A close runner-up is when both Summer and Anna give Seth comic-oriented 'gifts' for Chrismukka, Anna's being a custom comic-book (kind of a Gen approach) and Summer's being to dress herself up as a very convincing Wonder Woman and throw her golden lasso around Seth's neck.

It's hard to imagine that a show like this can make it out of Hollywood without being crucified in the editing room. Maybe they left that for season 2.

And it is great to see Peter Gallagher stretching out. When he appears in Soderberg films, the roles are so muted and understated, you're seeing 90% soderberg, 10% acting.

By : Newport Beach



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