
Rogue Imagineer

Moments after finishing the article about Conan's new gig in USA Today, I tuned my brand new handheld radio to 104.3 and caught a brief interview with Jay Leno regarding his new 10:00 p.m. show this fall. He waxed philosophical about the conditions leading up to the creation of his 10pm show and articulated some lucid thoughts about going up against CSI:MIAMI on Monday nights. Mr. Leno sounds really intelligent. I hope nobody in entertainment holds that against him.

AFTERTHOUGHT: If NBC really wants to stick it to CSI:Miami on Monday nights, they should hire a blimp and put the Peacock Logo and an ad for Jay's new show on the side of it and fly it low on the Long Beach horizon on CSI:Miami production days.

By : Lonan!



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